Radio broadcast: BORDERS
Borders is a weekly radio broadcast about Migration and Refugee issues, produced as a journalist for UNESCO Serres, during my European Volunteer Service (EVS) on Praxis Greece (Sep. 2014-Apr. 2015). The program is boadcasted on air every Thursday at 4 pm on Rodon 95FM, Serres, Greece, and online on Borders borned with the aim of give an overview about the situation of the Refugees and Asyum seekers in Greece and Europe, but the inceasing interest and the knowledge of the interviewed experts allow us to go deeper into topics such as detention centres, Greek Migration Policies and European legal frame. Every edition the program threat a different country. Duration: around one hour.
Broadcast 01: AFGHANISTAN
Date: 06/11/2014
Broadcast 02: SYRIA
Date: 13/11/2014
Broadcast 03: IRAQ
Date: 27/11/2014
Muhammadi Yonous
President Greek Forum of Refugees
Begoña Castiella
Foreign Correspondent in Greece
for the Spanish newspaper ABC
and volunteer in Caritas Athens
Danai Angeli
Lawyer and researcher at Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) in Greece
Chrysanthos Vlamis
Project Coordinator of the
campaign selectrespect
and the Heinrich Böll Foundation
Moawia Ahmed
Coordinator Greek Forum Migrants
Dr Parvati Nair
Founding Director of the United Nations University Institute on Globalization, Culture and Mobility (UNU-GCM) 18/12/2014
Mohamed S.
Afghan, 16, living in the Refugee Centre for Minors in Volos, Greece
(interview by Francisco Sánchez)
Afghan refugee, 19,
living in the streets of Athens
(interview by Basir Sahang /
voice-off Héctor Oliva Bolaños)
Christian refugee from Iraq, living in Germany with Refugee Status